The Best Advice – Lessons from World Class Photographers
Top photographers fascinate us because they capture magical moments in a unique way – from enchanting landscapes, to a dreamlike animal world, to those most essentially human events in life. Their special view of the world, their will to perfection, their passion and perseverance, but also their courage and entrepreneurial spirit are fascinating and truly exemplary.
Top performance fascinates me and many other people, as evidenced by the success of my books on the subject (including Management – die Top-Tools der Besten (What Makes Great Leaders Great – Management Lessons from Icons Who Changed the World) and Der beste Rat, den ich je bekam – Lernen von Denkern und Machern (The Best Advice I Ever Got – Learning from Thinkers and Doers)). It is as interesting as it is useful to engage with the authentic experiences and insights of real experts.
In my discussions with top photographers on the subject of “Der beste Rat” (The Best Advice) I was not only captivated by the interesting personalities and their achievements, but it also became apparent that there are parallels to top achievements in other fields. In addition to those already mentioned, these are the tireless will to become better and better, the great dedication, and the immense commitment that the top photographers show every day anew.
That is why this magazine not only takes you on an exciting journey through the world of top photography, but also provides you with many interesting ideas for your private and professional success – completely independent of your chosen field of work.